
sportsmed is a private orthopaedic hospital and healthcare provider that offers patients access to world-leading and modern healthcare in state-of-the art facilities. They are also proudly
South Australian owned and operated.
sportsmed specialise in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of a range of ailments, injuries and conditions including bone, joint, muscle, ligament, tendon, nerve and arthritis pain.
Their patients have access to a world-renowned team of:
- Orthopaedic Surgeons
- Physiotherapists
- GPs and Sports Doctors
- Podiatrists
- Massage Therapists
- Exercise Physiologists
- Dietitian
- Psychologist
sportsmed treat thousands of patients each year and have grown to become not only a leading South Australian health facility, but also a world-renowned specialist service. Practitioners of sportsmed lend their expertise to many state, national and international sporting clubs and associations, have pioneered new and modern orthopaedic surgical techniques that are now
used around the world, and have influenced the modernisation of private hospitals across
South Australia.
Operating for over 30 years in South Australia, sportsmed is committed to providing excellence
in orthopaedic, sports medicine and related services to people of all ages and levels of
physical activity.